Friday, May 22, 2009

Morning Everyone!!! Just checked our count down timer and my heart is racing....75 days till we are airborne and 8 kids to get sponsored! I am feeling alot of anxiety as the timer gets smaller. It is hard to explain all the mixed emotions about the trip. It is hard to weigh what is causing the most anxiety for me, being away from my husband or trying to get people to understand how hard World Vision is working in developing countries. I have been blessed the past couple of years to be able to travel with my husband to alot of developing countries and for me it has been an awesome experiance and renews for me how important it is to sponsor children in these developments.
My husband is an incredible person and has inspired me more than anyone else in this world and is the biggest supporter of my passion. Even though he might not believe it now, this trip is for him in alot of ways. He has given me so much these past few years and I have grown so much because of his love and now it is time for me to pass that on. I will carry his love in my heart as we embark on our journey and draw strength from it on a daily basis.
These past few weeks as I try to talk to people about child sponsorship I have come to realize that alot of people have pigeon-holed all child sponsorship programs as the same. I am here to say that this is the furthest thing from the truth. World Vision has a wonderful saying and that is that they don't believe in hand outs, but hands up. What this means is that through the sponsorship of the children with World Vision your monthly contribution helps not only the child but the community as a whole. World Vision works in these developing countries, in area projects, helping the community become a whole. They spend many years in a project and help the community develop/train things like agriculture, water and sanitation, medical, education,, etc. So much so that when they leave the project, the community as a whole is 100% self sustainable. They do not bandaid the problem, they fix it! Their work speaks volumes and their success rate is huge! The project we are going into is an area called Nyamata where World Vision has been working since 2000. The project is scheduled for completion in 2014. Nyamata was one area during the genocide that had one of the worst massacres of Tutsi's and left the community reeling. The community was left with over 13000 orphans, over 3099 widows, 286 widowers, and over 159 physically hadicapped as well as 5000 identified vunerable families. The HIV/AIDS has scourged the community and has one of the highest rates on the country at a straggering 18%. All of this sounds horrible and almost impossible to fix but through World Vision sponsorship they have helped restore the hope of the Nyamata community members to help bring life to all.
I am asking you all to consider child sponsorship very seriously. For such a little amount of money, you can change the life of one child so incredibly. I welcome all questions and comments about anything that is on your mind. No question is stupid and I welcome you to ask. My biggest passion is to help clear up the misconception that people have of child sponsorship and how different World Vision is from the others.
Carol, I need to tell you that even though we really don't know each other very well.....yet, I am throughly looking forward to this trip with you. You are an amazing woman and very inspirational. You are truly the most unselfish, loving and caring woman in my life and I am truly blessed to be able to go on this trip with you!



Carol and Vickie said...

Thanks Vickie you just made me cry! I love what you wrote, you made me want to sponsor one of those kids and I already sponsor three.


Linda Poelzer said...

Hello Vickie! Good Job girl! You are a passionate ambassador for Africa! Personally, Bruce and I can speak toward the amazing work World Vision does build hope an a future into the entire community. We'd encourage everyone to get involved with child sponsorship. . . ASAP!! (sorry Vickie, our global map is filled--so we won't be adding anymore from Rwanda! Can we send gifts with you to drop off at the World Vision Office in Rwanda?)

Gainer is my Hero said...

Vic you are such a goof! It has taken me all my life to find you and am extremely blessed that you have allowed me to be a part of your life.

I intend to spend the rest of my life with my soulmate and very selfishly am focused on your safe return to me.

Be excited about your trip, I know you will do wonderful things for people who deperately need help, but never let that cloud the reality of the surroundings that you and carol will be stepping into...I need you to come home safe!

Carol and Vickie said...

Thanks so much Linda, but I can't take the goes to all the wonderful people that have touched my life. You are Bruce are the most amazing sponsors I have ever met..I'm curious? What is the count now? As for packages, we'd rather have cash donations instead and then plan to buy the things at market once we get there. We are severely restricted on luggage with Brussels piece at 40 pounds!!!! I've also let others know the situation because we have been getting alot of people wanting to send stuff like balls, shirts, school supplies, etc. We figure at this point it is more economical if anyone wants, that they can send us the money instead and when we get to market in Kigali, we can buy things from cooking supplies to livestock! We do appreciate the gesture though. The airlines are being pretty tight. Vickie

Celina said...

I am so proud of you and Carol. It is amazing to think that you are going there together, how all things work together for good.

Please tell Bruce that the time you spend with World Vision in Rwanda will be very safe. He has no worries. Listen to your husband, my cute friend and don't take any Vicki sized risks and we will celebrate your return over a glass of wine and great stories next time I am in Edmonton.